Pas6502, a tool for Windows, was designed and developed by Paul Nicholls. Pas6502 is a compiler that translates code written in a dialect of Object Pascal into a 6502 assembly program. It utilizes the Kick Assembler cross-assembler for final output.

It currently supports these machines:

    • C64
    • C128
    • Vic-20
    • Commodore PET
    • BBC Micro
    • Atari 8-bit
    • Apple II family
    • NES (Very minimal support currently…)

Prerequisites: A Java Runtime Environment is required (refer to the readme file for more details).

Both Kick Assembler (the assembler) and Exomizer (the packing program) are included in the download package.

The readme help file can be downloaded separately for review before using the tool, though it is also included with Pas6502.

You can download now from the Pas 6502 page, and is name your own price software. The author also has a Pas 6502 repository on Bitbucket.

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