10 Commodore 64 Sequels That Never Lived Up To The Original


Old Style Gaming is back with another video, and today, they’re diving into 10 Commodore 64 sequels that never quite lived up to the original games. Everyone’s been there—playing a game they loved, hearing about an upcoming sequel, and rushing out to buy it based on the success of the original. Sometimes, it paid off, but more often than not, software houses would churn out subpar sequels in a rush to capitalize on the original game’s success. That’s the focus of this video—well, not all of them are terrible, but they certainly didn’t meet expectations.

The sequels have been ranked according to how they compare to their predecessors, sorted in Excel from best to worst.

So, sit back, grab a drink, and relax as Old Style Gaming presents 10 C64 sequels that failed to live up to their predecessors.

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