C256 Foenix – What’s going on and what is next?


In this video Stefany gives a huge update on the C256 Foenix Project as of April 2020.

This is a long-overdue update about what is the status of the project and what are my plans for the future. This a video with a lot of babbling, it is not scripted, so bear with me. I talk about my plans on starting to streams my development efforts on these possible projects:


1- The low cost “User Version” C256 Foenix
2- The integrated Keyboard version of the C256 Foenix.
3- a 68K based C256 Foenix – the “C512 Foenix” ?
4- an Ethernet Controller/SID Socket expansion card for the C256 Foenix.


1- Design of a “Jumpman Sr – Rise of the Millennial” open source game
2- Design of a 2020 – New Retro computer version of the game “Necromancer”

These are possibilities… So, if you have any ideas of what you would like to see in terms of C256 Foenix design, please let me know. Post your preference or enhanced ideas.

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