Georg Rottensteiner has released a new update to his C64 Studio software just in time for Christmas. The latest release is version v7.4 and it includes the following.
Add: Tiny64 Interface to not tie it to Windows directly
Add: Shared version info
Fix: label mode toggle would lose the # on a GET#2 (probably others too)
Fix: BASIC TSB label parsing for syntax coloring
Add: MediaTool: Charset export from map and charscreen projects
Fix: Potential exception when using numbers as shortcut keys and setting them in the context menu
Fix: REM content was handled as separate tokens (and wreaking havoc if a token ended up as an opcode)
Add: Bookmark window, menu/context menu entries for bookmarking
Fix: BASIC Several Ctrl-letter short working (Ctrl-E, Ctrl-M, Ctrl-N, Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-R, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-T)
Fix: Potential crash on duplicate argument entries for a tool (which shouldn’t happen)
Fix: opcode size forcing for zero-page did not work if nested brackets were used
Add: Preferences completely replaced
Add: Toggle document tabs via Ctrl-Tab/Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Add: Show shortcut keys on asm source editor context menu
Fix: Rename references keeps scroll offset intact
Fix: Unit tests for cartridge compilation use external compare files now (the constants were getting too long)
Fix: Allow incomplete data import in charscreen editor
Add: Cartridge support for all magic desk size variants (32k,128k,256k,512k,1M)
Fix: easyflash cartridge sample to actually work (Ultimax mode!)
Add: New preferences dialog, with local import/export for ALL options
Add: C128 VDC 80×25 charset mode (and C128 palette)
Fix: char screen editor reverse mode, now works for text entry and also uses the intended cache (
Fix: BASIC It’s column, not row, damnit!
Fix: BASIC Update case button caption/image if loading a lowercase file
Fix: Renaming a file in Solution Explorer now also appropriately adjusts dependencies
Add: Show bytes/cycle count of the current line, when nothing is selected
Fix: BASIC Ctrl-N would insert the wrong character
Fix: Issue #78, cancel on C64Studio closing (X) would still shut down
Fix: Map editor undo would not update the display if scrolled
WIP-Fix: Autocomplete combo in Replace dialog at least works now, not final
Fix: The emulator combo would be empty on the first startup after the emulator setup wizard ran
add/fix: Map editor, several convenience functions (default select a map/tile if opened)
Fix: BASIC toggling case would mess up macro casing inside string literals
Add: Import from binary file now allows to skip a number of bytes
Add: Charset editor, import from hex
Fix: BASIC renumber keeps spaces between numbers intact
Fix: Broken BASIC renumber would run emulator sometimes
Fix: FileManager drag&drop was broken due to renaming the main namespace
Fix: Remove shadow cursor after a triple click
Fix: Scaling issues on high DPI for build event tab
Fix: “Shadow” caret when clicking inside the selection
Add: MediaManager support for file types
Update: TSB dialect file
Fix: BASIC auto scan for renumber properly builds with dependencies as well
Fix: BASIC Macro with BASIC token inside would mess up (during renumber, etc.)
Add/Fix: Proper detection of a circular inclusion
Add: missing BASIC X16 tokens (again?)
Fix: BASIC renumber with macros inside
Fix: MarQ import without bg colors crashing
Add/Fix: Import charscreen from CTM/Marqs editor now properly updated background color, open file dialog preselects all supported file types
Add: Saving/Restoring bookmarks in assembly view
Fix: BASIC – Re-allow Ctrl-key bindings to work (Ctrl-S, etc. didn’t work anymore)
Fix: BASIC toggling label mode would auto-insert macros, now they’re kept intact
Fix: Binary editor export to BASIC, adhere to wrap counts
Add: BASIC better label button description plus tooltip
Fix: BASIC editor: Regular Ctrl-key combinations working outside of string enter mode
Add: Layout choice of character list for better PETSCII
Add: C64Debugger breakpoint file (currently all breakpoints are added as a break on exec)
Fix: Show on right click now uses correct casing
Add: Rename all references
Fix: VIC20 only allows 8 background colors
Add: Allow text macros in string literals
Click here to get it!
C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE.
The program supports project-based C64 assembly or Basic V2. The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax.
In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers, and memory.
Any other emulator can be set up as well if it’s startable via runtime arguments.
C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64, .d64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k, 16k, MagicDesk)
Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset, sprite and media editor (tape and disk).
An encompassing help documentation is part of the program and is also viewable online: Click here!