Build Your Own Amiga 500 Memory Expansion Card

In this video the folks over atĀ build a Amiga 500 Memory Expansion Card from a kit they picked up from eBay. They report...
Vintage Computer Festival Logo

VCF West: Call For Exhibitors and Speakers & Online Ticketing Is Available

The Vintage Computer Festival West 2019 is just a couple of months away. The event is August 3-4 at the Computer History Museum in...

A Beginners Guide to the Amiga Workbench

The latest episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast (10MARC) is dedicated is bringing us Part 1 of the A Beginners Guide to...
Amiga 2000 Scanlines

How to Build a Cheap Flickerfixer / Scandoubler For Your Amiga 2000

Simon Alber has developed a simple and inexpensive kit that he's calling the 'Flickerfixer' which you can build for your Amiga 2000 to remove...

Jan Beta Amiga 2000 Power Supply Recapping

Jan Beta has filmed a tutorial on re-capping of his Amiga 2000 power supply. Jan reports finding the following capacitors Amiga 2000 PSU and that...

Jan Beta Follows Up on 2018 Amiga 500 Series of Videos

Jan's latest video is a follow-up and ending to a series of videos on an Amiga 500 restoration he started back in late 2018...

Jan Beta Amiga 2000 Power Supply Repair

Jan Beta continues working on his new Amiga 2000 refurb project. In this episode he replaces the fan inside the Amiga 2000's power brick.

Jan Beta’s Amiga 2000 Battery Leakage Repair and Recapping

Jan Beta reports that after searching for several years he's finally found an Amiga 2000 computer that he's happy with. In this video he...

