Commodore C64 Datasette Won’t Continue Automatically


This new episode from Phillip Bryden’s channel discusses an uncommon error with the Commodore C64 Datasette. Due to the scarcity of information available on this issue, it makes for a great video topic, though it may not attract a large viewership. However, it could still be helpful to someone experiencing the same fault.

Upon powering the system, executing `SHIFT + RUN/STOP` produces the “LOAD” command on the screen. When the play button on the Datasette is pressed, the tape begins to play, and 6 volts are detected. After finding Ghostbusters, the screen prompts to “press play on tape.” Even though the play button is pressed, nothing happens when the Commodore key is hit, nor does the tape start when the spacebar is pressed. Waiting doesn’t change the outcome either. At this point, there should be 6 volts on pin 3, triggered by pressing the Commodore key, to start the tape—but this does not occur.

To move forward, the tape must be manually stopped and played again, after which the 6 volts appear on pin 3, allowing the load screen to proceed. However, the tape stops again, and no matter what is done, it won’t restart automatically. The tape must be stopped and manually restarted for the 6 volts to reappear on pin 3, and only then will the load process continue correctly.

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