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Happy New Year!

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 66
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Happy New Year everyone! I've been taking a bit of a break since Christmas. I needed some time off which everyone does every now and then. I hope everyone had a good holiday and found what they wanted under the tree on Christmas morning. 

Now that we're into 2023 I've got some plans for a video or two. (Yes you've heard that before) I'm trying not to be over-ambitious as real life tends to get quite busy sometimes. 

DF is working on the BBS hardware and has come up with a SCSI solution for the drive that went down two days before Christmas. I know the parts are ordered so it's just a matter of receiving them and getting it all assembled and configured. More on that as it happens. 

So sit back, pop a cold one... and we'll see you soon. Once again Happy New Year!

][avok & Desert-Fox
