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Adding Sysop In/Out status to Color 64 8.1

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Regarding my earlier post of creating a Sysop Chat function for Color 64 8.1, the below content will create a SYSOP IN or SYSOP OUT notification to the user.

Searching through code, I discovered that Color 64 8.1 does not utilize memory address #2, which is an unused address location from a kernal perspective; I used this to set a flag for if Sysop is in or out of office. The following code applies to create this notification.

In bbs.init:

1) insert line after 12060:
12061 if peek(2)=0 then print"<home><down 22 times>Status: In Office     "
12062 if peek(2)=1 then print"<home><down 22 times>Status: Out of office"

2) modify original 12510 line to be 12514 now

3) Insert new 12510 line and 12511:

12510 get a$:if a$="<key of choice - I use left arrow above the control key>" and peek(2)=1 then poke2,0:goto 12514
12511 if a$="<same key of choice>" and peek(2)=0 then poke 2,1
12514 <original 12510 line> if a$<"<reverse E>" or a$> "<reverse L>" then 12040.........

In bbs.msgs:

1) modify line 50 to be:

50 if lm then f$="<checkmark>welcome2":gosub 205

2) insert:

51 if lm and peek(2)=1 then f$="<checkmark>sysop out"
52 if lm and peek(2)=0 then f$="<checkmark>sysop in"
54 if lm then gosub 205:gosub13523:gosub8510

3) create sysop out and sysop in SEQ files to support.

Note 1: multiple IF statements can be combined with 8.1's ELSE command (pound) - but I run fine with the following code above. So code can definitely be refined.

Note 2: always backup your work before making these changes! My system runs fine on the changes above, but you never know....

][avok reacted
Sysop Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 66

You're doing great work on v8.1.... By the time you're finished you may have a full update to put out 🙂 

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@havok I really wish I could understand their ML side along with the modified basic. It's a painfully slow process... and undocumented additional features in 8.1 that 8.0 manual does not cover!!! GRRR.... I came real close to sending Fred Ogle a message on Facebook asking for notes, but I'm sure I wouldn't be the first.....

BTW - thanks for letting me know about the message base failure on ItchyButt; Got that fixed, but lost my "X for abort" mod in the process since it was the culprit. Will have to figure out why....

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Posted by: @mike

@havok I really wish I could understand their ML side along with the modified basic. It's a painfully slow process... and undocumented additional features in 8.1 that 8.0 manual does not cover!!! GRRR.... I came real close to sending Fred Ogle a message on Facebook asking for notes, but I'm sure I wouldn't be the first.....

Feel free to reach out to him. I know DF talked to him not to long ago about something. So at least he's responding. 

BTW - thanks for letting me know about the message base failure on ItchyButt; Got that fixed, but lost my "X for abort" mod in the process since it was the culprit. Will have to figure out why....

Ah good! Glad you were able to find it without having to rebuild everything. I'll get over there and check the messages later today. 


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Posted by: @havok

Posted by: @mike

@havok I really wish I could understand their ML side along with the modified basic. It's a painfully slow process... and undocumented additional features in 8.1 that 8.0 manual does not cover!!! GRRR.... I came real close to sending Fred Ogle a message on Facebook asking for notes, but I'm sure I wouldn't be the first.....

Feel free to reach out to him. I know DF talked to him not to long ago about something. So at least he's responding. 

I took the plunge and tried to send him a DM on facebook. No response yet, but it is a Holiday weekend. Or maybe he saw my first line of text, "Help! Color 8.1" and did an immediate DELETE/BLOCK/DON'T BOTHER ME action.


Sysop Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 66

I took the plunge and tried to send him a DM on facebook. No response yet, but it is a Holiday weekend. Or maybe he saw my first line of text, "Help! Color 8.1" and did an immediate DELETE/BLOCK/DON'T BOTHER ME action.

I sure hope not. That would almost be as bad as DF's story with Greg Pfountz about 10 years ago... 

