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Allow SYSOP Uploads to any directory - Color 64 8.1

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If you desire to be able to upload files to your system remotely to any directory, the below modifications will make this all possible:

1) System Setup:

  • Create a directory (or directories if your files are separated) for System, Program, Text and Help files. Make these both UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD permitted, and MAKE SURE you set it for level access 9 (or 8 if you have a co-sysop that you REALLY trust)
  • save the parameters with menu option 10

2) Modify BBS.XFER file:

  • Change line 16155 to 16156
  • For line 16155, enter:
16155 iflv=9then16160


The original line 16155 is a check to see if 1) the user matches the appropriate level for a directory and 2) the directory has a download flag set. We are leaving this intact (now at line 16156), but we added a bypass at 16155 if it is the sysop / level 9 user. If that occurs, line 16155 jumps to line 16160 and the directory is added to the available list of selections.


  • Determine how uploads occur when file already exists. Can we overwrite?
    This would be advantageous, but we would have to prohibit main modules (+bbs.xfer, +bbs.ovl, etc)… as that could cause BBS to halt with LOAD OVERFLOW error.

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Updated (couldn't revise):

If you desire to be able to upload files to your system remotely to any directory, the below modifications will make this all possible:

1) System Setup:

  • Create a directory (or directories if your files are separated) for System, Program, Text and Help files. Make these both UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD permitted, and MAKE SURE you set it for level access 9 (or 8 if you have a co-sysop that you REALLY trust)
  • save the parameters with menu option 10

2) Modify BBS.XFER file

  • Change line 16155 to 16156
  • For line 16155, enter:
    16155 iflv=9then16160

3) Allow bypass of upload information file

  • Change line 16750 to line 16754
  • Create the following lines:
    16750 iflv<>9then16754
    16751 &"Create U/L Description? ":gosub1010:ifa$="N"thenreturn

The original line 16155 is a check to see if 1) the user matches the appropriate level for a directory and 2) the directory has a download flag set. We are leaving this intact (now at line 16156), but we added a bypass at 16155 if it is the sysop / level 9 user. If that occurs, line 16155 jumps to line 16160 and the directory is added to the available list of selections. Sysop is given the option to create an upload description or not (we don’t want these for system files).


  • Determine how uploads occur when file already exists. Can we overwrite by just adding “@:” to the start of the filename, perhaps with a warning first?
    This would be advantageous, but we would have to prohibit main modules (+bbs.xfer, +bbs.ovl, etc) as this could cause a LOAD OVERFLOW error, halting the BBS.
  • Bypass the creation of “(checkmark)directory” file after upload completed if we are in any system folder (program/system/help/text)
This post was modified 2 months ago by mike

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Posted by: @mike


1) System Setup:

  • Create a directory (or directories if your files are separated) for System, Program, Text and Help files. Make these both UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD permitted, and MAKE SURE you set it for level access 9 (or 8 if you have a co-sysop that you REALLY trust)
  • save the parameters with menu option 10


Clarification on this above section: This is the UD Parameters (option 3) in System Setup. So along with my standard upload and download directories, I added a "Systems", "Help", "Text" directories to the list, each pointing to the respective directory on my SD2IEC drive.

Again, ACCESS Level 9 as minimum setting, uploads and downloads permitted.

