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[Solved] Calling v7.37 (or earlier) Sysops - does your (c)hat feature work?

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I've posted elsewhere, mainly on the BBSes themselves, but I'm trying to understand the Color 64 mechanics of chat between user and sysop.

1st and foremost, my question is if chat works for 7.37 (both user & sysop-initiated)?

I see user requesting chat sends program to line 15000 in bbs.ovl and appears to use routine at line 110 to allow input between local and remote users. This appears same between v7.37 and v8.0. However, documentation in 8.0 confuses me where they state they updated chat feature with wordwrap - which makes me think there are routines in ML for chat that they modified - for there is nothing I see in any of the BASIC lines of code. 

7.37 - User requests Sysop page

15030 cs$=i$:gosub8003:if(peek(53280)and15)=0thenpoke53280,11
15040 fori=1to20
15045 a$="g‡.":sysc(1):a=ti+90
15060 gosub110:ifpthengosub360:i=20
15070 ifp=0anda>tithen15060
15080 ifi>2thenpoke54296,8
15100 next:a$="":sysc(0):poke54273,130:poke54277,9:ifpthenreturn

8.0 - User requests Sysop page

15030 cs$=i$:gosub8003:if(peek(53280)and15)=.thenpoke53280,11
15040 fori=1to20
15045 a$="g‡.":$:a=ti+90
15060 gosub110:ifpthengosub360:i=20
15070 ifp=.anda>tithen15060
15080 ifi>2thenpoke54296,8
15100 next:a$="":#:poke54273,130:poke54277,9:ifpthenreturn

I see nothing in the above that does any jump into ML, and line 110 is a communication routine (although everything(!) is UPPERCASE; ugh) - but definitely has no sort of word-wrap feature. 

Problem two is SYSOP-invoked chat "Press F1 almost anywhere in the program" per 8.0 documentation. F1 does nothing when running a clean install of v8.0 program and I've found no BASIC code supporting a SYSOP-invoked forced-chat. For my BBS, I ended up throwing in an additional PEEK(197)=4 check at line 13127 which sends user to a forced-chat small routine I built - again using routine at 110. Seems to work.

What am I missing?

=-= Nuke =-=

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See my update in new thread - "Adding chat to Color 64"
