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14/02/2025 7:33 pm
This is a modified Color 64 BBS v7.37 of Star Trek - originally modified by Magic Circus BBS, and I just modified today for v8.1!
- This particular build *DOES NOT* utilize the Mod Menu - I have it built to run under AUX 3 (H=14).
- It will require you to go to +setup and define location for AUX 3
√bbs.ovl, √bbs.msgs and √bbs.xfer will require modification to run
- Load +SETUP and define where AUX3 is to be located under "Disk Assignments"
- I'm using SD2IEC on my system, so I have Device as 8, Drive 0!cd//aux3 defined and the star trek folders are in the aux3 folder.
- Unzip the contents and place them at location for you have identified for AUX 3
- In +SETUP again under "BBS Commands", set level of one of the SPARE commands ("1" or "2") with permission to run. We will use "1" as an this example
- Modify √bbs.ovl, √bbs.msgs and √bbs.xfer lines with the following:
- Set jump point for command "1" - this should be at line 13195 in the overlays. You will know if you see "oni-29goto" as the start of the line. The first GOTO is Spare 1, second is Spare 2.
- We will create our Jump routine at line 35650, so the ON GOTO statement will read:
oni-29goto35650,.....(continued goto numbers.....).- If you were using Spare 2, it would be:
- If you were using Spare 2, it would be:
- Create routine at 35650
35650 rem star trek
35651 .18:ov=.:a$="Heading to the Enterprise...":#:i$="√star trek":goto104 - Modify line 104 to utilize the new jump:
104 ifi$="√star trek"thenh=14:gosub460:↑dr$+i$,dv:£gosub489:↑dr$+"√bbs."+i$+"*",dv- Note that " gosub489:↑dr$+"√bbs."+i$+"*",dv " was the original code
- Repeat steps 1-4 for the other overlays mentioned
I think I captured it all. If it doesn't work, please reach out to me!
(original file removed)
This topic was modified 1 month ago by ][avok
][avok reacted
Topic starter
15/02/2025 3:48 am
Too late to edit post, but I discovered the executable was an older version from today and not the finished product.
Please use this file instead.
][avok reacted
Topic starter
19/02/2025 11:44 pm
Additional ports for 8.1 have been added and I've listed them here:
][avok reacted