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New port: Star Trek for Color 64 8.1

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This is a modified Color 64 BBS v7.37 of Star Trek - originally modified by Magic Circus BBS, and I just modified today for v8.1! 


  • This particular build *DOES NOT* utilize the Mod Menu - I have it built to run under AUX 3 (H=14). 
    • It will require you to go to +setup and define location for AUX 3
  • √bbs.ovl, √bbs.msgs and √bbs.xfer will require modification to run


  1. Load +SETUP and define where AUX3 is to be located under "Disk Assignments"
    1. I'm using SD2IEC on my system, so I have Device as 8, Drive 0!cd//aux3 defined and the star trek folders are in the aux3 folder.
  2. Unzip the contents and place them at location for you have identified for AUX 3
  3. In +SETUP again under "BBS Commands", set level of one of the SPARE commands ("1" or "2") with permission to run. We will use "1" as an this example 
  4. Modify √bbs.ovl, √bbs.msgs and √bbs.xfer lines with the following:
    1. Set jump point for command "1" - this should be at line 13195 in the overlays. You will know if you see "oni-29goto" as the start of the line. The first GOTO is Spare 1, second is Spare 2.
    2. We will create our Jump routine at line 35650, so the ON GOTO statement will read:
      oni-29goto35650,.....(continued goto numbers.....). 
      1. If you were using Spare 2, it would be:

    3. Create routine at 35650
      35650 rem star trek
      35651 .18:ov=.:a$="Heading to the Enterprise...":#:i$="√star trek":goto104
    4. Modify line 104 to utilize the new jump:
      104 ifi$="√star trek"thenh=14:gosub460:↑dr$+i$,dv:£gosub489:↑dr$+"√bbs."+i$+"*",dv
      1. Note that " gosub489:↑dr$+"√bbs."+i$+"*",dv " was the original code
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other overlays mentioned

I think I captured it all. If it doesn't work, please reach out to me! 

(original file removed)
This topic was modified 1 month ago by ][avok

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Too late to edit post, but I discovered the executable was an older version from today and not the finished product.

Please use this file instead.

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Additional ports for 8.1 have been added and I've listed them here:

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