German developer Piciji has updated his Denise C64 Emulator package v2.4. Here’s the update per the author.

Denise is a cycle accurate and platform independent C64 / Amiga emulator.
My motivation for this project is to understand how it works and write clean and easy readable code.
Denise emulates an C64, Amiga 500 and Amiga 1000.
RetroArch SLANG shaders are supported by Denise.
Features already known from the C64 emulation, such as runAhead, savestates, drive sounds, PAL encoding, dynamic rate control, G-Sync/FreeSync, Warp, just in time polling are also available for the Amiga.

Denise supports REU, GeoRam, EasyFlash, EasyFlashÂł, Gmod2, Retro Replay, Action Replay, Final Cartridge, Light Guns/Pens, GunStick, Mouse 1351, Mouse Neos, Paddles, fast loaders such as ProfDOS, PrologicDOS, DolphinDOS, ProSpeed 1571, Turbo Trans, 1571 floppy, drag’n’drop and command line support.

Denise consists of 4 main modules.
“guikit”, “driver”, “emulation” could be used in any other project. “program” links these modules together.


  • emulation
  • cross platform: Windows 32/64 Vista and higher, macOS (Intel and Arm), Linux, BSD
  • cycle accurate
  • PAL, CRT Shader
  • FreeSync / G-Sync
  • Dynamic Rate Control
  • runAhead
  • scanline or cycle accurate renderer
  • tape/floppy drive sounds
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