DesTestMAX: A Modern Replacement for the Commodore 64 Dead Test Cartridge


In this episode of 8Bit Retro ReFix, the team takes a look at the Dead Test and DesTestMAX cartridges, explaining why the Dead Test is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by the DesTestMAX.

The DesTestMAX project, by Factor of Matt, is designed to enhance Commodore’s original Dead Test cartridge by implementing a more comprehensive memory testing strategy and delivering diagnostic output that is easier to interpret.

DesTestMAX leverages the MAX (or ULTIMAX) cartridge mode, which enables code to be placed directly in the $E000-$FFFF memory block. This code is executed immediately upon system reset, allowing DesTestMAX to take full control of the system from the outset. Unlike the standard Commodore 64 boot process, DesTestMAX operates with minimal assumptions about the machine’s state, enabling it to produce meaningful diagnostic results even on severely malfunctioning systems.

For DesTestMAX to function, the 6510 CPU, VIC-II, and PLA must be operational. However, the ROMs, CIAs, and SID are not required and can be removed if socketed.

Where to buy DesTest diagnostics

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