Doktor64 Cleans Up A C64 With His Dishwasher


In his latest episode Doktor64 cleans up his C64 with a dishwasher. Yes. You’ve probably heard of people doing this before, well here it is, live on Youtube.  Not everything is cleaned in the dishwasher, however most of it is.

Here are the notes from the actual clean up.

  • Commodore C64 cleaning the most easy way – the C64 in the Dishwasher! 🙂
  • Commodore C64 restauration – cleaning the PCB (in the dishwasher!!!)
  • cleaning the plastic parts (in the dishwasher!!!)
  • cleaning the keyboard (NOT in the dishwasher!!!) 🙂
  • Commodore C64 PCB / Mainboard / Motherboard cleaning (in the dishwasher!!!)
  • Commodore C64 PCB / Mainboard / Motherboard preserve / protect (WD-40)
  • Commodore C64 keyboard disassemble (remove keys, cleaning and protection)
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