FairLight TV #110, Revisiting Compression


Pontus begins by thanking everyone for helping the channel surpass 400,000 views, expressing sincere gratitude for the continued support. He then introduces two new elements for the episode, noting that the main topic will revisit a subject previously discussed in episode four: data compression. Given that three years have passed since that episode aired, Pontus felt it was important to update the content for newer audiences.

The episode focuses on data compression, a technique used to reduce file sizes. This method is essential for freeing up storage space by making files smaller without compromising their original content. Pontus explains that in the past, when Commodore 64 users had only 170 kilobytes of disk space, compression was vital for optimizing storage. Today, despite the advent of terabyte-sized hard drives, the increasing size of media files makes compression just as relevant and useful as ever.

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