Frodo is a portable Commodore 64 emulator that runs on a variety of platforms, with a focus on the exact reproduction of special graphical effects possible on the C64. It was also the world’s first Commodore 64 emulator without a “64” in its name.

Frodo comes in two flavors: The regular “Frodo” which uses a cycle-exact emulation, and the simplified “Frodo Lite” which is less compatible but runs better on slower machines.

NEW! Frodo V4.5

  • Note: The snapshot file format has changed. This version of Frodo will not read snapshot files from earlier versions.
  • Added Datasette tape drive emulation (TAP files, not available in Frodo Lite)
  • Added support for banked cartridges (Ocean, Fun Play, Power Play, Super Games, C64 Games System, System 3, Dinamic, Zaxxon, Magic Desk, Simons’ BASIC, COMAL 80)
  • Added ability to auto-start D64/G64/T64/TAP images, cartridges, and C64 BASIC program files by specifying them on the command line
  • Unix: Added file type associations to let Frodo start disk/tape image files, cartridges, and C64 program files from the desktop
  • Windows: Fixed some portability problems
  • Frodo now also looks in the application directory for the ‘Frodo.ui’ file
  • Added support for integration with VICE automated regression testbench
  • Small improvements to CPU and SID emulation
  • Use more realistic RAM initialization pattern
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