Gideons Logic has releaesd a new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64.

Differences with previous official release V1.10:

  • Based on the Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.4c
  • NTSC mode has been fixed, from 262 lines to 263 lines per frame.
  • SID autoconfig: If there is just one SID, give it the full address range.
  • Speaker volume setting added for U64.
  • Various fixes in the VIC sprite generator. This fixes many demos.
  • Preparations added for Elite version of the U64 board.
  • Adjusted analog colors, thanks to Matt Barszcz.
  • Fixed sprite collision register timing.
  • Fixed line 137 to 000 rollover. This fixes Lunatico three layer scroller
  • Added LED controls for the two Case LEDs
  • Fixed tape record to tap file.
  • Fixed various CIA issues. This fixed the Expert Cart unfreeze problem. Thanks to David Horrocks
  • Refined IRQ timing of the 6502 CPU core.
  • Added AC generator to support UserPort cable
  • Fixed the order of Flash images, to make SS5 NTSC and TAR NTSC work.
  • Fixed RES bit in $D016, should be writable. Thanks to David Horrocks.

Changes to the application, 3.4c, compared to previous 3.4:

  • Fixing homedirectory function. Added possibility to use wildcards.
  • Fixed file extensions. Makes songlengths load again.
  • Significant improvements to the Software IEC module.
  • Updates to SID player:
    • Implemented pause feature (using space bar)
    • Pause will now also mute 2nd and 3rd SID chip.
    • Fixed SID version check and SID header relocation.
    • Fixed display issue when SID model or clock is unknown.
    • Updated version of player and copyright year.
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