GoldenCode Unveils New Work-in-Progress Video for Danmaku on the Amiga 1200


GoldenCode has shared an exciting update on their upcoming Amiga 1200 title, Danmaku, a true “bullet hell” experience designed to push the capabilities of a stock Amiga 1200. The game runs at 304 x 256 PAL resolution, 50 Hz, and features an intense two-player simultaneous mode with hundreds of bullets on-screen, delivering the kind of action rarely seen on this classic hardware.

Latest Enhancements and Features:

  1. Integrated Muzzle Flash
    • Muzzle flashes are now procedurally generated during loading, eliminating hard gaps on the player ships while maintaining easy editability of assets.
  2. Player Ship Hitboxes
    • A blinking hitbox indicator has been added to the player ships, with plans to fine-tune its positioning.
  3. New Pseudo-Ground Enemy Mode
    • This feature debuts with spider enemies in the test level. These enemies are rendered on Playfield 2, allowing them to have their unique palette while ensuring player sprites appear above them. This technique is ideal for large groups of small ground enemies like tanks.
  4. Blockable Enemy Lasers
    • Players can now block large, expanding laser streaks using the “fat laser” weapon mode, offering gameplay depth reminiscent of Dodonpachi Resurrection.
  5. Enhanced Collision System
    • Enemy vulnerabilities can now be tailored to specific player weapons. For example, certain enemies may be more susceptible to spread shots while resisting the fat laser.
  6. Flicker Shadows Option
    • A new flicker shadow mode has been introduced, complementing the existing stable shadows. Benefits include improved performance and reduced visual palette constraints for ground graphics.
  7. Improved Boss Visuals
    • The test-level boss now boasts a palette of 30 colors, up from 15.
  8. Sound System Upgrades
    • Sound volume is now adjustable for all types of effects, not just bonus sounds. Additionally, sound effects are optimized for compatibility with two-channel music, reserving channels 2 and 3 for effects unless music is disabled.

The Team Behind Danmaku:

  • Code: Daytona675x
  • Graphics: Crome
  • Audio: Triace

Additional Credits:

  • Extra Graphics: Matt Walkden
  • Placeholder Level Music: “te-x-mas 6” by XTD / Mystic & The Grid (from MOD Archive)
  • Music Player: Frank Wille
  • Development System: Bartman^Abyss (VSCode)

GoldenCode continues to refine this ambitious project, promising a groundbreaking experience for Amiga enthusiasts. Stay tuned for further updates!


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