Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone is having a great summer. it’s hot here in Virginia but I can’t complain because the garden is giving us ripe vegetables daily. I’m still catching up on a article I’m writing for the BBS / website and Desert-Fox is working on an article of his own as well. On with the news.

DtDNS Cut’s Off BBS’s Redirects

DtDNS Logo

DtDNS a popular dynamic DNS provider cut off free accounts over the last week and has put out an official announcement that they’re going to be cease operations as of August 1st 2018.

LATEST NEWS: DtDNS is ceasing operations as of August 1, 2019
DtDNS is a complete provider of DNS hosting and DNS management services, with a focus on dynamic DNS and dynamic IP address management. If you are on a dynamic IP address, we enable you to host your own services just as if you had a static IP address. We can also provide DNS service for your domain name with our reliable, distributed network of DNS servers, matched with a web-based management interface that makes managing your DNS records easier than ever. Founded in 1999, we are proud of our 18 years of outstanding service.

This has left many Telenet BBS’s unexpected in the lurch including several Commodore ones. Fortunately there are other dynamic DNS services available like SingeHop and DynDNS and hopefully the affected sites won’t be offline to long.

RHML – A Retro Computer Web Protocol

A gentleman by the name of Scott Hutter is working on a web protocol for 8 bit machines called RHML to create a world wide web experience.

RHML Browser

Here’s a quote from his page “RHML is a very simple markup language to provide retro computers of all types to access a web-like system.  It is not possible for these older machines to handle all the complexities of modern web sites with javascript, css, etc.  But we need not stay in text-only mode forever.  The initial browser implementation was written with CC65 for the Commodore 128, so with minor changes, could be modified for other 8 bit systems as well.”

To learn more about RHML and see how you can get started check out Scott’s page.

C256 Foenix Project Updates

Stefany over at the C256 Foenix Project has posted the first view of the proposed system with a new General Block Diagram.

C256 General Block Diagram

In addition to that they are looking for a CFP6586 Chip Creator to help design a second generation SID for the C256. For more info check out the Forums over on the project page.

Commodore 64 Steampunk Laptop

Commodore 64 Steampunk Laptop – function test

Getting nearer the end of this project now, I was asked to take an original 1980's Commodore 64 computer, and turn it into a fully working Steampunk style laptop. A little more decoration to apply, but this is a clip for the function test of the LCD panel, and sound output. All the music in the clip straight from the C64!

Posted by Bad Dog Designs on Saturday, July 14, 2018

A UK group called Bad Dog Designs has created a Steampunk Commodore 64 Laptop concept. While the project isn’t quite completed it does appear to be in the final stages of it’s build. For more information you can check out their Facebook article on it.

Strikelink Wifi Modem Cases

Strikelink Wifi Modem Case

Alwyz reports that he now has cases available for the Strikelink Wifi Modems. The cases have a modern design and come in multiple colors. Click here to order yours. Strikelink Modems are also due to be in production again shortly.

That’s all for this edition. Thank you to C4Ever and Mike D for your controbutions. If you have news to submit for the Tidbits or any other feedback regarding the site or BBS send your inquiry to [email protected].

Tech Junkie, Pit Bull Rescuer & Advocate, Pizza Connoisseur, Brewer of Beer, Lover of Music, Gardener, Traveler, Strategy War Gamer, Veteran.
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