Welcome back to the Tidbits everyone! We’re running a couple of days late this edition as I’ve been dealing with a summer cold that knocked me down for a few days. We have quite a lot to cover this week so lets get started.
Help SID Music Legend Johannes Bjerregaard
SID music pioneer Johannes Bjerregaard was recently diagnosed with Stage 3c colon cancer after having a large mass and a large portion of his lower intestinal tract along with a number of lymph nodes. Please consider sending a few spare dollars via Johannes Bjerregaard’s GoFundMe page to assist in his chemo treatment.
Also if you’re interested in listening to some of Johanne’s music you can download it via his CSDb page.
C256 Foenix Prototype Motherboard Displayed
Stefany over at the C256 Foenix Project has displayed the first images of a C256 Foenix Prototype Motherboard. Debugging has begun and over the next week or so she hopes to get the clocking circuit to work. Go check out the site for further updates.
Redux Paint for iPad
First and foremost Redux Paint beta product. Redux Paint (a play on the name of Deluxe Paint for the Amiga) is an iPad-based Commodore 64 art maker that will allow you to draw your Commodore art from the comfort of a sofa or chair instead of sitting at the desk. You can currently download Redux Paint from GitHub and the author provides all of the instructions on his website.
VirtualC64 Has Released Version 2.4
The Mac C64 emulator has updated the following in version 2.4.
- Added a virtual keyboard to the toolbar.
- Added a second VC 1541 drive to the virtual hardware.
- Added support for the Freeze Frame cartridge.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the fast loader of the Action Replay 4 cartridge to work properly. AR cartridges with higher version numbers still have issues though.
For more information about VirtualC64, you can check out their website here.
SID Effects – Double C64 Album Free To Download
Composer Chris Whillock has released a double album of SID music made with the SIDFX for free. The double album is packed with classic tunes like Ghosts ‘n Goblins, One Man and his Droid, and many more. To download the album just click here. You can find more SID tunes on C64Audio.com.
Petmate – Multi-Platform C64 PETSCII Editor Updated
There have been updates to this project practically daily since the start of August 2018. The latest edition 0.3.0.
- Add brush rotation
- Add “character only” drawing mode (e.g., change screencode but leave color untouched)
- Add t64ass and ACME .asm export
- Add BASIC export (w/ BASIC display code from @Esshahn)
- Add a togglable grid on top of the painting canvas
Petmate is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. You can follow Petmates development on their GitHub page.
C64 Papercraft Project Update
Designer Rocky Bergen is back and has now recreated additional 3D papercraft pieces. The three new ones are:
- Commodore MPS 801 Printer
- Commodore VIC Modem
- “Net Sales” Screenplate
In addition, the two previous pieces have been updated to include lights.
- Commodore 64 Computer – Update, original light-coloured function keys
- Commodore 1541 Hard Drive – Update, “active” power light
They are free to download and you can get them here.
This news is curated from around the web. If you enjoy the weekly Tidbits consider a Like, Share, or Subscribe to our social media. To submit news items for the Tidbits or any other feedback about the BBS or website send your inquiries to [email protected].