Version 3.7 of the IECHost GUI client is now available via Luigi Di Fraia’s Software page. This is a major release for new features and bug-fixing.


  • Ensure that the relevant notebook page is on top when using accelerators
  • Require Ctrl to display sector contents when clicking on a sector
  • When reading dir fails, reset the directory drawing area
  • Increase max errors from 600 to 1000
  • Swap the position and role of the buttons within the Yes/No confirmation dialog
  • Always display sector contents, regardless of the block error type
  • When F7 is pressed, reset the directory listing ahead of bringing its notebook page on top


  • Add accelerator, F7, for listing directory
  • Add an option to not show SCRatched files in the directory listing of a D64 file opened for retries
  • Along with controls that become disabled when the app is busy, also have a status indicator/LED
  • Allow users to export the dir listing to a PNG file
  • When showing sector contents, also attempt to find out which file the sector belongs to
  • Persist max errors, read retries, and outermost track value through the app settings file
  • Let users inspect sector contents without having to close the “Sector contents” window in between inspections


  • Prevent the old dir from showing up while reading dir is in progress and the user uses dir navigation controls
  • Clicking in the white space immediately below the last sector of a track a ghost sector is displayed (e.g. the first sector in the subsequent track)
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