JC64dis Released


JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID, CRT, VSF, MPR, and PRG files of Commodore 64, Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 128, Commodore Plus4, and SAP of Atari with MOS 6502 family processors. It supports experimental even the AY file of Z80 processors.

It works in 3 areas:

  1. Memory area (from $0000 to $FFFF)
  2. Preview of source
  3. Source

You can format the source using the commands in a way to produce a source like if you were writing it in a text editor.

Labels and some comments are created automatically, but you can customize all (the program has almost 270 user options to choose from).

It supports the output (and compilation back throw them) of these compilers:

  • Dasm
  • TMPx
  • Ca65
  • Acme
  • KickAssembler
  • Tass64
  • Glass (Z80)

In the video, you can see a true session of usage where a binary is reverse-engineered into a source that can be compiled again.

The binary is in JAR (java) or specific for Windows (win32 o win64).

If you start using it, you cannot go back to previous tool you used before!
JC64dis speed up your reverse engineering analysis by a 10 factor at least.

Source code at: https://github.com/ice00/jc64

To learn more click this link for more detailed information.

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