Nobomi has released new firmware for the ARM2SiD and ARMSID.

ARM2SID firmware 3.14:

  • Please don’t forget to download also a new configuration program.
  • Fixed a bug in tone pitch when generating noise (reported for example in Crazy Comets and Paperboy in FW 3.11 and 3.12).
  • Fix in SFX emulation (some tracks were missing percussion).
  • Unified SFX emulation sample rate for all settings (with correct FM frequency reference set) to approx. 49.7kHz as on original card.
  • Optimization for speed, not only for running the emulation itself, but also the bus response.
  • Application start-up is also faster, instead of hundreds of milliseconds, the ARM2SID is fully functional in less than 15 milliseconds from power connection !
  • CS signals from both sockets are handled as independent accesses (important for use in synthesizers).
  • Added the possibility to “fix” the so-called ADSR bug, i.e. a bug in the envelope generator, which is inherent to the original chips and is reproduced in ARMSID too. This is not needed in the C64 for compatibility reasons, but if you use ARMSID in synthesizers, you might be interested in this feature.
  • It is possible via configuration to disable the automatic extension of the left channel sound to the right channel if it is not playing for a long time (again, important for use in synthesizers).
  • There is also an option via configuration to have only the data from the left channel play fixed to both SID channels (the emulation settings for each channel remain).
  • Slightly modified quality (Q) of filter circuits for even more faithful reproduction of MOS8580.

ARMSID firmware 2.14:

  • Please don’t forget to download also a new configuration program.
  • Bug fix – lower noise waveform tone pitch (reported e.g. in games Crazy Comets and Paperboy when using FW 2.11 to 2.13).
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