The Commodore 64 may have debuted decades ago, but for its passionate enthusiasts, the machine’s allure has never faded. Enter the Old School Cracker (OSC)—a new initiative brought to life by Rebel 1 of Hokuto Force, designed for both nostalgic C64 fans and curious newcomers eager to understand the intricacies of game cracking.

Cracking the C64 Code, Old School Style

OSC isn’t just another tutorial series; it’s a purist’s guide to the lost art of cracking Commodore 64 games. But this isn’t about using modern emulators like VICE or contemporary tools. No, OSC demands authenticity—employing only the tools and techniques available at the time the game was originally released.

As Rebel 1 puts it, “Anything else would be pointless.” This ethos forms the backbone of OSC, embracing the constraints and ingenuity of the era to give enthusiasts a raw, unfiltered glimpse into the mechanics of cracking.

Volume 1: A Deep Dive into Pitfall II

The debut issue of OSC focuses on cracking the tape version of Pitfall II, the iconic 1984 release from Activision. Why start with tape? It turns out, in 1980s Europe, tapes were the preferred medium for software distribution.

“They were cheaper, easier to crack than disks, and hit the market earlier—making tapes the prime target for crackers,” explains SLC of Kvasigen, shedding light on the historical context.

This first volume caters to beginners in the cracking realm, introducing relatively simple concepts before moving on to more complex copy-protection schemes in future editions. It’s all about laying a strong foundation and building from there.

A Step-by-Step Journey

What makes OSC unique is its methodical, step-by-step structure, offering readers an accessible guide to the world of cracking. Each edition will follow the same logical process:

  1. Cracking: Analyze the game’s code, trace it to the starting point, and identify built-in protections.
  2. Training: Build a “trainer” to simplify gameplay and ensure the crack is fully functional.
  3. Hacking: Dive deeper into the game for experimental tweaks and fun modifications.

Crucially, OSC emphasizes focus. While the goal is to understand the necessary code to bypass protections, there’s no need to decipher every line of the game’s code—a refreshing approach that keeps things practical.

Preserving a Legacy

OSC is more than a technical guide; it’s a time capsule of the C64’s cracking culture, preserving a skillset that might otherwise be lost to history. It’s an homage to the creativity and problem-solving of early crackers, presented in a format that’s both educational and entertaining.

And here’s the kicker: OSC is completely free. Available as a downloadable PDF, Rebel 1 encourages fans to share it widely. For the tactile learners among us, there’s even a recommendation to print and bind the guide as an A5 hardcover—perfect for working through its pages with a retro vibe.

Join the Community

Rebel 1 welcomes feedback, whether it’s corrections, suggestions, or just a nod of appreciation. Each OSC edition is a living document, shaped by its readers and the vibrant C64 community.

As the series progresses, expect to see increasingly sophisticated techniques and insights into the fascinating world of Commodore 64 cracking.

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Thanks for sharing this here! Much appreciated 😉