So you’re looking to play Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders on your trusty old Commodore 64 but the only copy you can find is on Ebay for almost $500 dollars. What do you do? Have faith dear readers as you no longer need to chase down every old Commodore 64 game you want to play at exorbitant prices. “Why not?” you ask. Because more than likely it’s available to you on the Internet Archive’s C64 Software Library.

That’s right. Earlier this week the Internet Archive, famous home of the ‘Wayback Machine‘, announced that they have launched in-browser emulation support for the Commodore 64. At the time of this message they have tested over 10,500 applications that are booting properly. All of this is being done via a fork of the VICE v3.2 software.

You can start playing the entire C64 Library now and you’ll find me playing some Raid on Bungeling Bay!


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