Robotron: 2084 One-Bit Fix and Many Other Thoughts


In today’s episode, 8-Bit Show & Tell explores various aspects of Robotron: 2084. The episode begins by examining two major inspirations for the game’s development: “Chase” on the Commodore PET and “Berzerk,” demonstrated on the Atari 2600+ due to the absence of the original arcade version. The show then reviews the AtariSoft port of Robotron for the Commodore 64, highlighting a creative Lego-assisted method for adapting twin-stick controls for home use. Finally, it delves into a strange freezing bug that occurs when C64 Robotron is run on the Commodore SX-64, also known as the Executive 64. The episode investigates the underlying causes—a hardware flaw in the SX-64 and a software bug in Robotron—and presents three different solutions to address the issue.

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