AWSM has updated their online C64 sprite editing tool Spritemate to version 1.20. Per the changelog here are the new features in v1.2.

Sprites can now be named. The name will show as label name in ASM and BASIC exports (thx to Janne and MacBacon for the suggestions).
Note that two changes were introduced with the sprite naming feature: sprites start with index number 0 instead of 1, e.g. the first sprite is called “sprite_0” instead of “sprite_1”. This was necessary for consistancy and my personal sanity – internally the index number always was 0 instead of 1. The other change is that sprite data exported as ASM or BASIC file would not label the sprites by incrementing index anymore. This means that a sprite would keep its name no matter if you sort it in the sprite list to a different position (which seems obvious, but wasn’t like this before).

The sprite naming feature is backwards compatible, so when you load an older SPM file, default names will be applied.

Sprites can be inverted (hotkey ‘i’).
The sprite invert (or “negative” in SpritePad) might look a bit strange in multicolor mode, but that’s no bug. In singlecolor, a 0 (transparent) gets replaced by a 1 (pixel) and vice versa, but in multicolor we have two more colors. Spritemate switches colors 3 and 4 in this case, just as SpritePad does.

The file name is now displayed in the top right corner of the window (thx to nurpax)
This can prove helpful when working with several files. Also a good indicator if the file hasn’t been saved yet. Note that due to the nature how browsers save files and operating systems handle security, a file might save with a slightly different name if the same file name already exists in the download location (e.g. “mysprites (1).spm” instead of “mysprites.spm”).

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