Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo for C64 / C128 – New Demo


RetroGL has released a new demo showcasing their progress on Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo for the Commodore 64. In this video, RetroGL provides updates on the adaptation being developed for the C64 and C128 platforms, using their custom RetroFighter engine. This version of SSF2T is inspired by the GameBoy Advance release, SSF2T Revival, though it includes unique elements tailored for the Commodore systems. The game is intended to run on a 1MB EasyFlash or Kung Fu Flash cartridge.

The latest demo introduces several new features:

  • Enhanced visuals for all fighters, with further improvements still in progress
  • Unique endings for each fighter
  • Nearly all combat mechanics implemented, including features like throw escapes

Link to the CRT file.

Link to the manual.

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