Tag: 10MARC
10MARC – GEOS Adventures Part 1
The 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast has started a new series this week called GEOS Adventures. This first episode is the Introduction to GEOS...
10MARC – The Truth About Amiga’s In The USA
Doug has a special guest on this episode. Join him and Eric Hill from Amigalove, aka Intriq8, as they discuss the truth behind Amiga's...
10MARC – Interviews Trevor Dickinson Live From Amiga Ireland
Doug Compton sits down face to face with Trevor Dickinson from A-Eon for a live Q&A session from 5000 miles away via Skype! Join...
10MARC – Amiga AGA vs PC VGA Graphics
In this weeks edition of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast Doug compares the Amiga AGA graphics with the original PC VGA and SVGA...
10MARC – Amiga 2000 Adventures Part 2: Newtek Video Toaster 2000
This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast Doug revists his Amiga 2000. He does a historical cover of the device and it's proficiencies...
10MARC – 2019 Amiga Hardware Year In Review
Douglas Compton of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast has released a 2019 Year in Review video for 2019's Amiga hardware.
Happy New Year! This...
10MARC – RetroTink X2 Upscaler Review
This week 10MARC reviews the RetroTink 2X Upscaler. This device is intended for use with consoles that output 240P and upscale and filter it...
10MARC Reviews Component Display Adapter For The Amiga
This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast, Douglas reviews the brand new Retronic Design 23 Pin RGB to Component adapter which works with...