Tale of Evil ‎Arrives for Amiga Computers


Tale of Evil is an unofficial sequel to Tower of Evil for the Commodore Amiga. The game requires a minimum of an ECS Amiga with 1MB Chip RAM (A500), though it is recommended to run on an A1200 for the best experience. The hard disk version includes additional graphics and music, further enhancing gameplay, with an A1200 and HDD setup being the ideal configuration.

The Story:
Once upon a time there was a little girl, her name was Olivia. Like all strange children, Olivia loved to play in the nearby cemetery. It was here that he met the witch’s cat Schrodinger, who went to the cemetery not to play, but to collect magic components as the witch’s assistant. As days passed the witch watched the forming friendship with more and more jealously. One day she came to a terrible decision. She decided to put them both six feet, under th ground. Since Schrodinger was not the witch’s first owner, he already had experience with mad scientists and poison capsules, so he managed to avoid his death, but sadly the little girl had no luck. Like all cats, Schrodinger moved easy between the world of the living and the dead. as a guardian of the underworld, he decided to bring Olivia back to the world of the living by collecting the little girl’s remains and memories, and if only in the form of a ghost, they would take revenge on the witch together.

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