This is a port of the uae4all Amiga 500 emulator (based on UAE 0.8.22) to 3DS.

The current version is still alpha stage, may contain bugs and a lot of things are still to do. However, many games are already playable which is really cool and a lot of fun! The emulator runs pretty well on both O3DS and N3DS, however the extra speed on N3DS makes it even more enjoyable.

Download here:


  • Create directory /3ds/uae3DS on your 3DS SD-card
  • Put your kickstart ROM file in this directory. It must be called “kick.rom” and be a kickstart 1.3 image. The kickstart ROM is copyrighted material so don’t ask me where to get it from. You might get lucky by asking big G for “uae kickstart rom” …
  • Copy any Amiga disk images that you might have (.adf, .adz) to a directory of your choice on your SD card
  • Install CIA with FBI, run 3dsx from homebrew launcher (put 3dsx file in /3ds/uae3DS dir) or run 3ds from flash card.
  • Apart from this, a DSP-dump is required for sound to work correctly in the CIA version.


  • SELECT: open menu
  • START: Toggle SuperThrottle
  • Bottom Screen: Virtual Keyboard / Touchpad
  • A button: joystick fire
  • B button: joystick UP
  • X button / ZL-button / double tap touchpad: left mouse button
  • Y button / L button: right mouse button
  • CPad, CStick, DPad: joystick

Current version is v0.2


  • Possibility to map keys & save settings on SD card
  • Status bar should move to bottom screen
  • Option to scale/zoom screen and get rid of black borders
  • Autofire
  • nice to have (and hard to implement): attach an SD-card directory as Amiga hard drive

If anybody wants to help with these ToDos, you are welcome to help me with a pull request on github :D
Any other bugs can be reported here or on

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