Variables List

The following are a list of all variables used by Color 64 BBS.

– AT –

This variable stores whether your modem is using the Hayes AT command set or not.

– AZ$ –

This variable stores the MODEM INIT string for Hayes type modems as defined in SETUP (Ex. ATEIX1S0=1S2=43F1Q0V1M0).

– BM –

This variable stores the lowest message number on the system.

– BR –

This is the callers currently used baud rate.

– BS –

This variable represents the last used block size of the current caller. If it is a 0, the caller last used Xmodem. Otherwise they last used Punter.

– C() –

This array stores the ML system call addresses (Eg. sysc(0)).

– CA –

This variable stores the current message category. It is only used in bbs.msgs

– CC CA$() CA%() CA() –

These variables store your message category parameters as defined in SETUP.

– CD –

This variable stores your modems carrier detect status value as defined by SETUP.

– CM%() –

This integer array stores the BBS COMMANDS as defined in SETUP.

– CR$ –

This variable stores the value of a carriage return. It saves memory and time to print cr$ instead of chr$(13).

– CS$ –

This is the chat subject that is displayed at the ONLINE: prompt after a caller requests chat mode.

– C2$ –

This variable is two cr$’s added together. Again, it saves memory and time to print c2$ instead of cr$cr$ or chr$(13)chr$(13).

– C1 –

This variable represents the number of download blocks given for each block uploaded.

– C2 –

This variable represents the number of free upload blocks you give each caller as defined in SETUP.

– C3 –

This variable stores the credit system exemption level as defined in SETUP.

– C4 –

This variable stores the maximum files you want to allow on your public messages drive.

– D() –

This variable array stores the drive assignments for your drive assignments as defined in SETUP. Do not try to alter or read these variables, they use an encoding method that allows several parameters to be stored in one variable. Use gosub481-489 to select the desired drives.

– DA$ –

This is the current system date.

– DC –

This variable stores the maximum number of downloads per call as defined in SETUP.

– DD –

This variable stores your default download directory. This is always the first directory defined in SETUP with a Y to download status.

– DD$ –

This variable stores the current callers membership expires date in the format MM/DD/YY (or whatever information you stored in that field of the callers membership record).

– DE$ –

This variable stores the value of a DELETE character (CBM ASCII chr$(20)).

– DN%() DN$() DH$() –

These 3 variable arrays store the download directory parameters as defined in SETUP.

– DR$ –

This variable stores the current drive number of the current selected drive (Eg. 0: or 1:).

– DT –

Stores the number of downloads made made by the caller on this call.

– DV –

This variable stores the device number of the currently selected drive.

– DX –

This variable stores the last selected drive number. Use of this variable saves time not re selecting a drive that was already selected. Also, setting this variable to 0 followed by a gusub460 will force a reselect of the current drive.

– E1$ –

This variable stores the first 3 or 4 disk errors that are displayed on the waiting for caller screen.

– ER ER$ ET ES –

These variables store the last read drive error status. Gosub510 reads the error channel and stores the values in ER ER$ ET ES.

– F$ –

This variable stores the last filename accessed. Use ‘f$=”filename”:gosub210’ to read a seq file to the screen and modem.

– FI$ –

This variable stores the filename being edited by the online message editor.

– FL –

This variable is set to 1 if your BBS is using 1541 Flash from Skyles Electric Works.

– FM –

This variable represents the status of the current callers word wrap condition. If it is a 1, word wrap is on. If it is a 0, word wrap is off.

– FR FR$ –

These variables store the FROM information of the last read message.

– F(0) –

This variable stores the BBS’s RERUN ON ERRORS status as defined in SETUP.

– F(1-13)

These variables store the field pointers for the password file. This allows easier modifications to the password file by simply changing the values in SETUP instead of all through all of the other program overlays.

– H H$ –

These variables store the last selected drive parameters. H can be a number between 0 and 10 depending on what the last selected group of files (Eg. password file, system files, public messages, etc). H$ stores the last used drive command.

– H$() –

This variable array stores the drive commands for your drive assignments as defined in SETUP (Ex. i0, ui, hm4 20 28).

– HM –

This variable stores the highest message number on the system. It is stored in the VARIABLES file when the system is shut down and reloaded when the BBS is reloaded. If the BBS experiences a power loss, when the system regenerates a new message index, this variable will also be readjusted to reflect the highest message number on the system (if necessary).

– KK –

If this variable is set, the caller online has created a DEFAULT MESSAGE.

– LB –

This variable represents the current callers last used baud rate. It is used only when a 300 baud caller logs on to allow the system to ask the caller if they want to switch to that baud rate again.

– LC$ –

This is the last callers name. If the last caller had an access level of 1, this variable will be “NEW USER”.

– LD$ –

This variable stores the current callers last called date.

– LG –

This variable stores important memory pointers used by the caller log.

– LG$ –

This variable is a temporary holding place for the information to be later stored in the caller log. When this variable is longer than about 150 characters, it will automatically be stored into area of RAM that contains the caller log and the variable will be reset to “”.

– LM –

This variable stores the highest message number that a caller has read on this and previous calls. When a caller logs off, this variable will be assigned at least equal to the lowest message on the system. This allows the BBS to know if this is a callers first call or a second (or more) call but they had not read any messages. On a callers first call, we dont want to scan for mail, etc.

– LM%() –

This variable array stores the status as to whether or not a level message exists for this level. These variables are assigned when the BBS in initially loaded or when the current time and date are adjusted.

– LV-

This is the current callers (or caller under password maintenance) access level. Altering this variable will only have effect on the current call.

– L1 –

This variable stores the access level that the BBS will automatically give a caller when their membership expires date (DD$) equals the system date (DA$) as defined in SETUP.

– L2 –

This is the current callers permanent access level. If you alter a callers access level while they are online, LV is altered and will have an effect for the remainder of the call, but it is the value of L2 that is written back in their password file.

– IC –

This variable is set to 1 when your BBS is addressing an ICT hard disk system in chain mode. It is set to 0 when addressing all other drives or the ICT drive in non-chain mode.

– M M2 MX –

These variables are used to keep track of what message was last read and the next message to be read.

– MB –

This variable stores the minimum number of blocks allowed on the system before messages automatically start to cycle as defined in SETUP.

– MC –

This variable stores the maximum number of columns per message as defined in SETUP.

– MD –

This variable stores the maximum number of days that a callers mail will be held before it is automatically purged as defined in SETUP.

– MH –

This variable keeps track of the number of pieces of mail held when a caller is reading their mailbox.

– ML –

This variable stores the maximum number of lines per message as defined in SETUP.

– MM –

This variable stores the maximum number of messages on the BBS as defined in SETUP.

– MN() LK%() MF%() CA%() –

These variables store the current parameters of your systems message base. These variables are stored in the the MSG INDEX file on your public messages drive when the system is shut down and reloaded when the BBS is reloaded. The MSG INDEX file is always scratched from the disk while these variables are in memory just incase power is lost after messages are posted and before an updated message index could be written. These variables are automatically recreated by the Regen Msg Index routines when needed.

– MP –

This variable stores the maximum number of passwords on the BBS as defined in SETUP.

– MR%() –

This variable array keeps track of which messages have already been read or not.

– MR MS –

These variables store the number of messages read when a caller is reading their mailbox and the number of messages to skip over to read the next piece of mail.

– MT –

This variable is used in the multidownload routines to keep track of how many files have been sent so far.

– MU –

This variable stores the minimum number of blocks needed to allow uploads. The BLOCKS FREE message after the directory display or before an upload will automatically be adjusted by this value.

– M1 M3 M4 M5 AT CD –

These variables store the different parameters of your modem as defined in SETUP.

– NA$ –

This variable stores the current callers membership name.

– ND –

This variable is set when the date changes and is reset after the end of day routines are run.

– NU –

This variable represents the total number of callers who have called the BBS. NU is incremented each time a different caller calls the BBS (is not incremented if the same caller calls twice in a row).

– NU$ –

This variable stores a chr$(0). Again it saves memory to use NU$ instead of chr$(0).

– OV –

This variable stores a pointer number that will be used after loading another overlay to determine what line number to execute. Line 5 of every program contains an ‘onovgotoXX,XX,XX’ command to make sure the proper routines are run based on the value of OV.

– P –

This variable stores the status of the caller. If carrier is lost, p=255. If the caller types ^p, p=1. Use ‘ifpthenreturn’ after all your inputs to make sure the BBS will abort if carrier is lost or the caller types ^p.

– PD –

This variable represents the callers current number of blocks downloaded.

– PM –

If this variable is a 0, the clock is in the AM range. If this variable is 1, the clock is in the PM range.

– PR –

This variable is set if you answer P to the ‘(S)creen or (P)rinter’ question.

– PU –

This variable represents a callers current number of blocks uploaded.

The above variables are used to determine a callers download credit status with the following formula:


– PW$ –

This variable stores the current callers password. It is saved in each callers membership record in the password file.

– QS –

This variable is set when the BBS is doing a Quick Scan.

– RA –

This variable is set when the BBS is reading ALL message categories.

– RN –

This variable is the callers record number (membership number). Also, during password maintenance this variable will be saved and will be reassigned to the value of the caller number being maintained.

– RU –

This variable stores the systems auto-release level as defined in SETUP.

– R1 –

This variable is a temporary holding area for the sysops record number when using the Validate or Password Maintenance.

– SB –

This variable is set if you answered Y to screen blanking.

– SC –

This variable is set if you answered Y to save caller logs.

– SD$ –

This variable stores the systems current download directory prefix. If you are not using multiple directories per drive, this variable will always equal “”. Otherwise it will equal “A” for directory A, “B” for directory B, etc.

This variable stores a new caller access level as defined in SETUP. Also, if this value is negative the system will automatically save the caller log.

– SM –

This variable stores the highest message number read on this call. When a caller logs on, this variable is assigned the same value as LM, then as public messages are read, this variable is assigned the highest message number read. When a caller logs off, LM will be set equal to this variable, then stored in the password file.

– SR ST –

These variables are used to represent the status byte of the current I/O function. ST is automatically updated by the C64 after every I/O and SR is used to save the value of ST when needed.

– SU$ –

This variable stores the subject of the last read message.

– S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 –

These variables store the daily statistics that are displayed on the waiting for caller screen. They are NEW CALLERS, TODAYS CALLS, TODAYS UPLOADS, TODAYS DOWNLOADS, MESSAGES POSTED TODAY.

– T$ –

This is the current time. You must gosub1110 to update this variable.

– TA TB –

These variables are used by the multidownload routines to keep track of where the BBS is in the list of files to send.

– TI –

This variable represents the total time (in jiffies) that this caller has been online.

– TI$ –

This variable is set to “000000” when a caller logs on and is automatically incremented 60 times ever second. It is used to keep track of how long a caller has been online. It is also used to keep track of how long the BBS has been waiting between calls.

– TM –

This variable represents the total minutes that this caller has for this call. TM-INT(TI*3600) represents the number of minutes that this caller has left for this call.

– TS –

This variable represents the number of times the current caller has called. It is saved in the password file.

– TT –

This variable represents the time remaining for today less the value in TM. The total of TM and TT represent the total time the caller has for the rest of the day.

– TX$ –

This is a special variable the Color 64 uses for high speed disk reads. It is initially assigned a length to MC+5 characters and should never be changed.

– TY –

This variable is used in the built in BBS term and is used to signify the file type being transmitted or received.

– T() –

This variable array stores the daily time limits for each access level and the per call limits for AM and PM hours as defined in SETUP.

– T1 –

Stores the number of invalid signons since midnight last night.

– UD –

This variable stores your default upload directory. This is always the first upload directory in SETUP with a Y in the upload status.

– UX –

This variable stores the UPLOAD DESCRIPTION status of your BBS as defined in SETUP. If it has a value of 1, your system is defined to be using upload descriptions. If it has a value of 0, your system is not using upload descriptions.

– VS –

This variable is set if the variables have been saved and is cleared when another caller calls.

– VT VT() –

These variables store the parameters of your current vote topic.

– VX –

There are several routines all using the same message editor and this variable tells the BBS where to go after it finishes editing the message (Eg. back to Read Feedback, Read Mail, Read Messages, or Posting a Message.

– WD() –

This variable array stores the different caller access level’s purge parameters as defined in SETUP.


The following are a list of general variables used in Color 64 BBS but have not specific definition.

A, A$, B, B$, C, I, I$, II, J, K, N, P$, T, X

Greg Pfountz