It’s been a while since we covered the BMC64. In case you’re wondering what BMC64 is, it stands for Bare Metal C64 Emulator. BMC64 and it’s sister systems all run on VICE with Linux based distros on a Raspberry Pi Model 2 or 3, and I’m assuming will run fine on a new Raspberry Pi Model 4 as well.

Since my last update when we covered the v1.5 release of BMC64 asdfasdf has new released BMC128 and BMCVIC20. Just like they BMC64 they also run on a Raspberry Pi Model 2 or 3.

Here’s to hoping there will be a BMCAMIGA in the near future.

Meanwhile if you would like to know more about BMC64 or its sister systems all you need is a Raspberry Pi Model 2 or 3 with an SD card. Click the link below to go to the BMC64 homepage and grab a ready to go distro. You can be up and running in no time.

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