C64 Studio v6.4 Released
Georg Rottensteiner has released a new update to his C64 Studio software just in time for Christmas. The latest release is version 6.4 and...
IECHost GUI Client v3.8.5 Released
Luigi Di Fraia has released v3.8.5 of his IECHost GUI Client. You can download it here.
This is a minor release for a few enhancements...
DirMaster Updated To v3.1.5
The latest update to DirMaster, v3.1.5, has been released. There are no new features in this release, only bug fixes.
Issues reported by users that were resolved...
8-Bit Show And Tell – 10 Rarely Used C64 BASIC Features
In this edition Robin takes a look at 10 C64 BASIC 2.0 commands and other features that aren't used all that much. DEF FN,...
Bo Zimmerman Releases geoTelnet v1.3
Bo Zimmerman has released the lasted update to his GEO's Telent client.
geoTelnet is an ansi terminal program for connecting to telnet servers. It is...
XC=Basic v2.3 Released
XC=BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language for the Commodore 64 and xcbasic64 is a cross compiler that compiles an XC=BASIC program to 6502 machine code trough...
CharPad Thalamus Edition Updated To v2.6.1
CharPad 2.6.1 - What's New?...
Public Release 19/2/20
- Fixed: There was a bug in the code that handles copy/paste between program instances.
(After using Copy it...
GRay Defender Goes Over C64 Border Effects Part 2
Part 2 of GRay Defenders programming exercise on border efffects with the Commodore 64. He writes "This is a follow up to the previous...