Installing A SCSI2SD In Your Amiga

The latest 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast explains how to remove a old poorly performing 4GB SCSI drive from the Amiga 2000 and replace...
MEGA65 Pre-Series Lot

More MEGA65 Pre-Series Machine Assembled

Paul Gardner-Stephen has released another update which makes three this month so far. In todays update he reports that assembly of the Pre-Series MEGA65's...

Doktor64 Repairs a C64 With A Bad CIA U1 Chip & Joystick Port #2

In his latest video Doktor64 reports a C64 with broken Joystick Port #2 = ASSY PCB 250425 and a CIA #1 Chip U1 that's...
IDE64 new 2019

IDE64 Update: IDEDOS 0.90 Patch 53 Now Available

If you're using 0.90 then there's a patch 53 version available now with these changes: Fix SHA addressing mode ($93) Improved aborted USB/Ethernet PCLink...

Vintage Computer Festival Announces Pacific North West 2020

The Vintage Computer Federation has announced the Vintage Computer Festival Pacific Northwest 2020! The event will be hosted at the Living Computers:Museum+Labs in Seattle Washington on...
Assembled MEGAphone Rev2 PCB

MEGAphone Rev2 PC Board Assembly Work

Paul Gardner-Stephen is back with his first MEGAphone updsate since last May. According to him the new MEGAphone Rev2 PCBs arrived while he was...
Gideon's Logic Logo 2

Gideon’s Logic September Update

This is from the latest STATUS OF PROJECT update over at Gideon's Logic: Ultimate-II+ The Ultimate-II+ hardware is stable and in full production. Every few months...
Backbit C64 Bare Cartridge

BackBit C64 Bare Cartridge Now Available

Last May we reported that and Evie Salomon were developing a cartridge that uses an SD card to store and run all of...