C256 Foenix Project September Update

From the September 2019 Newsletter: Revision Cxx Struggles As you can see, the migration from a very stable version like the Rev B2 to the Rev...
CommVEx 2019

CommVEx 2019 Videos

You may or may not know that CommVEx was the annual Commodore Vegas Expo. They just held the 15th and final edition in August...
Retrogaming Times #22

Retrogaming Times #22 – Sept/Oct 2019 – Released

The latest bi-monthly edition of the Retrogaming Times has arrived and as always there’s a section for the good ole Commodore 64. This editions feature...

Retromancave Interviews Chris Abbott

Retromancave Interviews Chris Abbott who is turning your favourite 8Bit C64 tunes into full blown epics with a symphony orchestra. In this episode he...

Music Albums on Game Cartridges (C64 & Megadrive)

In this episode of Techmoan the narrator talks about his fasination with the many different music playing formats that have come out over the...

Reset64 Magazine Returns

After a long hiatus Reset64 Magazine has returned to production. This issue includes feature reviews for Aviator Arcade II, The Legend of Atlantis, Space Moguls...

GeoDesk64 Is Coming Soon

Like GEOS? You'll probably love GeoDesk by Markus Kanet. In a recent post on Lemon64 Markus revealed the following. GeoDesk64 is almost finished..... the version V0.9...

Retro Recipes “So You Bought a Commodore 64?”

Perifractic has a released a new episode of his Retro Recipes show all about buying a C64 in 2019. This episode contains a heaping...