BMC64 v2.4 Update

Randy Rossi's latest update to the BMC64 project is v2.4. The new update includes the following: Activated real keyboard and joystick scan for PCB ...

Welcome to BreadAMP v03

Developer daddlerTL3 has released his latest update of BreadAMP which is  basically "Winamp for your Breadbox". It uses the REU of the 1541ultimate as...

Commodore 64C Black Screen Repair

In this episode Jan Beta repairs a Canadian, made in USA, black screen Commodore C64c that was recently donated to him along with a...

Van Pelt and Giga-CAD+ for the C64

In this video Roger Van Pelt, vice-president of the Fresno Commodore User Group, presents arguably the best C64 CAD program, Giga-CAD+ for the Commodore...

BMC64 v2.3 Update

Randy Rossi has published a small update to the BMC64 emulators today. The new v2.3 update includes the following: Add virtual keyboard Added vertical/horizontal...
FREEZE64 Mag #29

FREEZE64 Fanzine Issue 29 Now Available

Issue 29 of FREEZE64 is now avaialble. Here’s what’s in FREEZE64 issue 29: COVER FEATURE: DOC COSMOS Here at FREEZE64 we’re crazy about the idea of time-travel,...

How To Clean Commodore Floppy Drive Heads

Steve from Steve's Retro Gaming gives a quick and dirty video on how to clean the drive heads in a 1541, 1541-II and 1571...
Technical Difficulties

Updated – Techincal Difficulties This Morning

Updated: Everything is back in order and the BBS Server is behaving normally again. The BBS is live and awaiting calls. Thanks again for...