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VICE and a virtual modem

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I am looking for some guidance on working with VICE. I have setup an instance in VICE that has the Lt. Kernal working. I wanted to use this as a workbench to making it easier for me to modify my board instead of hauling disks back and forth and moving/renaming files to test the new modifications.

All has gone well. I've got a copy of the board on the virtual LTK. The problem is when I start the bbs. It starts but freezes at the title screen. I know what the problem can't detect the modem so it will not continue the startup.

How do I get the bbs (Color 64) to see the RS232 in VICE? I just need it to see it. I'm not running a bbs. It's only for testing. Anybody got any ideas or help they can provide?

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I realize I'm at least a day late and a dollar short on this but I encountered the same problem in VICE. The answer for me was changing the baud rate in the bbs.init file. So, I booted up my C64, then just loaded "🗸bbs.init 7.35" (or whatever version you have), and then edited the following lines: 10320 and 12020. I set the BR variable to be exactly whatever I had set up in the RS232 config in VICE. For me, it was 1200 bps. Once I did that, my BBS would load and not hang.

Maybe that helps? Good luck!
