This is a repeating event04/15/2024 11:00 am
Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023
15apr(apr 15)11:00 am16(apr 16)5:00 pmCommodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023
Event Details
The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show (CLASS) is supported by the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network and the Fresno Commodore
Event Details
The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show (CLASS) is supported by the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network and the Fresno Commodore User Group.
CLASS v4.0
Commodore Los Angeles Super Show!
Saturday, April 15, 2023: 11am to 5pm
Sunday, April 16, 2023: 11am to 5pm
Burbank VFW Hall
VFW USS Gudgeon Ship 8310
1006 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, California 9150
Meet other Commodore and Amiga enthusiasts.
See demos and presentations on and about the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, Plus/4, DTV, VIC-20, PET, and Amiga.
Come and present your own Commodore and Amiga projects.
And of course, be in the center of Los Angeles activities!
CLASS Presentations & Guests
Demonstration of the Retro-Printer Module
Delayed from last year’s CLASS, Robert Bernardo shows how the Retro-Printer Module, while connected to a Commodore 8-bit computer, can print to a USB printer!
More Bible Games for the C64
Driving from Kansas City, Kansas, Lenard Roach returns to present more religious games! These classic games run the gamut from trivia to dungeon crawlers to shoot’em ups! A quote from Lenard,
“The CLASS 2023 Commodore computer show is on! Slated for April 15th and 16th in Burbank, California, this show’s theme is gaming, of which I will be presenting even more Christian-themed games for the Commodore 64. I need to thank those users of the machine from around the world who have participated in scouring the internet as well as their own personal collections to get me long-forgotten Christian software for the C64. Last year I was crying that only one source of Christian software was available for the machine, but now I have been proven OH SO WRONG as dozens of programs have come in both to the Fresno (California) Commodore User Group and myself. I am trying to compile these programs into .D64 images as well as physical 5.25 disks for anyone who wants to surprise their church with long ago lost software to amaze and challenge their Sunday School classes.”
Converting Amiga .ADFs to Real Disks
Mario Luppi will show attendees the art of taking .ADFs downloaded from a PC and converting them (with the use of Amiga Explorer) to real disks that can be used on Amiga computers.
Creating a Game on the C128
CLASS will have a class! CBM veteran Marc Rifkin will teach a session in programming to attendees, the object of which is to program a game in BASIC 7.0 for the Commodore 128.
The Ham Radio Experience and the Commodore 64
In a video presentation for CLASS, Roger Van Pelt, vice-president of the Fresno Commodore User Group, re-creates the experience of receiving ham radio messages, but instead of using a ham radio, he will stream the ham messages from a laptop computer into a C64 via a Kantronics interface.
Robert Bernardo
Robert will be on hand to show off his eternal enthusiasm for the Commodore line as well as relate his globe-trotting experiences for Commodore and Star Trek fandom.
CLASS Exhibits
Meet A.L.I.C.E.
Up for display is the new A.L.I.C.E. (A Laptop Incorporating a Classic Experience) laptop which runs AmiKit X and Amiga OS 4.1 Final Edition, update 1. See the unboxing here:
Amiga 1000
The one that began the Amiga series of computers! The A1000 has a Kickstart 2.04 ROM, OS 2.1, 512K of Chip RAM, and 1.5 meg of Slow RAM. A1000 courtesy of Mario Luppi
Amiga 500 with Vampire 500 v2
This is an A500 with a v8 board, 2 mb Chip RAM, 128 Fast RAM, Gold 2.12 core, Kickstart 3.10 (three point ten), Coffin OS r59, 32 gig CF card, and a full complement of platform emulators, WHDload games/demos, and native HDMI games/demos/music/videos. A500/V500 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Amiga 600
Here is a modestly-upgraded A600 with OS 3.2, 2 meg of Chip RAM, 8 meg of Fast RAM, and a 16 gig CF hard drive running Arcade Game Selector 2. A600 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Amiga 3000
This A3000 has been recently rebuilt and now has a SCSI2SD drive, OS 3.1, 272 megs of Fast RAM via SIMM-to-ZIP adapter and BigRAM memory card, and a full complement of WHDLoad games and demos. A3000 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Marc Rifkin’s Table of Amiga
Marc brings his Checkmate Mini case with Edu Ararana’s MistiX board and RetroTINK-5X Pro video converter, and an A4000 with a Video Toaster 4000 and the RetroTINK-5X Pro video converter.
He will also have two other Amigas with multiplayer games connected via null modem cable.
MorphOS on MacMini G3
MorphOS shows up for the first time at CLASS! Check out this alternative OS that competes against Amiga OS! MacMini G3 courtesy of Dan Lee
AROS and Amiga Forever
On an IBM laptop, Mario Luppi will be running AROS, in addition to emulating various Amiga computers with Amiga Forever.
The MEGA65 is the modern replica to the mythical Commodore 65 which was never publicly released. The Mega65 has a full keyboard, C65 and C64 modes, a built-in 3 1/2“ floppy drive, HDMI out, a SD card slot, and acceleration up to 40 MHz.. Mega65 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
PET 2001
This PET 2001-8 has a PetROM board that is configurable to replace RAM/ROM and allow emulation of later models with more memory and later Commodore BASIC versions. Also has a SD/internet storage device for quick loading of software, an 8-bit audio DAC board, and a joystick for gaming! PET 2001 by Jim DiNunzio
Before the C64, the VIC-20 was the multi-million seller. This VIC comes with a 35K switchable RAM expansion with integrated SD2IEC from Melbourne Console Reproductions. VIC-20 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Ultimate 64
The Ultimate 64 is a new motherboard that recreates the Commodore 64 board but in FPGA form! This U64 comes in a new Kickstarter C64C case and has a MechBoard64 with its Cherry Blue microswitches. U64 courtesy of the late Bogdan Macri of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
TheC64 Maxi
From Retro Games Ltd. of England comes TheC64 (Maxi), a re-creation of the brown Commodore 64. TheC64 Maxi is Linux-based computer running a specialized version of VICE. It has 64 games built into the system with hundreds more via TheC64 Enhancer USB stick (from and the Retro8Bit USB stick (from TheC64 Maxi courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Plus/4 and Commodore 16
These TED series Commodores come with a SD2IEC drive. Plus/4 and C16 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Commodore B128
The B128 comes with a SD2PET Future card drive. B128 courtesy of Robert Bernardo
Commodore 128’s Galore
There will be two or three flat C128’s plus monitors and disk drives for the Creating a Game on the C128 programming session to be held by Marc Rifkin. For more information on the programming session, see the Presentations & Guest page.
Commodore 128DCR
This C128DCR will come with a CMD RAMLink v1, a SD2IEC card drive, and a MegaBit ROM+. C128DCR courtesy of Mario Luppi ,
C128 Neo Board
This new, unpopulated motherboard is a replacement for those whose original Commodore 128 board has been damaged irreparably. On display is the green, 4-layer Neo board. C128 Neo board courtesy of developer Johan Grip.
Ray Carlsen Power Supplies
Check out the various Ray Carlsen power supplies powering the Commodores 8-bit and desktop Amigas computers, including a new, custom p.s. that can run a C64/C128/VIC-20CR at the same time as a C16 along with two 1541-II/1581 disk drives OR run an Amiga 500/600/1200!
Want up-to-the-minute details, or to talk about the Commodore LA Super Show?
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04/15/2023 11:00 am - 04/16/2023 5:00 pm PST(GMT-04:00)