Here you can find more Commodore 64/128 and Amiga community links. This page is a work in progress and always in flux. If you know of a site that should be listed here let us know and we’ll add it—last updated 2/13/2025.
BBS Listings
- Commodore BBS Outpost
- Telnet BBS Guide (This site includes non Commodore BBS’s)
- 8-Bit Boyz BBS Directory (This site includes non Commodore BBS’s)
BBS Software
- Bo Zimmerman Commodore BBS Programs Page
- Apollo64 BBS
- AmiExpress BBS (Amiga)
- C*Base BBS
- Centipede BBS (Runs on a Commodore 128 in C128, 80 column mode)
- CNet Amiga Pro
- CNet DS II (C64)
- Contiki BBS
- Image BBS
- Magnetar BBS (a Contiki fork designed to work with an RR-NET cartridge, SD2IEC drive and JiffyDOS.)
Commodore Forums & Info
Commodore Hardware
- A500++ Amiga 500+ Replica PCB
- BackBit
- C128 Neo PCB
- Carlsen Electronics – Commodore Repairs, Power Supplies & Schematics
- Commodore-4ever
- DIY Chris
- Gideon’s Logic – Home of the Ultimate II+ and Ultimate 64 Main Boards
- Individual Computers – Home of the C64 Reloaded Mark II
- Retro Fuzion
- RETRO Innovations
- (C64 Spare Parts)
- RetoPassion UK-based Amiga Specialists
- Shareware PLUS Commodore 64 & 128 Blog
- “SixtyClone” Commodore 64 Replica PCBs
- TeensyROM
Magazines & Fanzines
- Ahoy! Magazine Archive
- AmigaDOS Magazine Archive
- Commodore Book Archive
- Compute!s Gazette Archive
- Commodore Hardware Manuals
- Commodore Free Magazine
- Freeze64 Magazine
- Komoda & Amiga plus
- APoV Magazine
- Kilobyte Magazine
- Loadstar Library
- Remix64
- Reset 64 Magazine
- RUN Magazine Archive
- The Transactor Online Archive