Tag: daddlertl3
BREADAMP v07 file browser + autoplay (for 1541 Ultimate-II(+)(L) or Ultimate 64)
Daddlertl3's release notes:
This video demonstrates the file browser and autoplay feature that is included in the sample music player "Breadamp v07". The file browser...
daddlertl3 Nuvie Video From HomeCon 56
Recnetly while attending HomeCon 56 in Hanau, Germany daddlertl3 made a Nuvie Video of his tour through HomeCon 56. The video also includes 2...
Welcome to BreadAMP v03
Developer daddlerTL3 has released his latest update of BreadAMP which isĀ basically "Winamp for your Breadbox". It uses the REU of the 1541ultimate as...