RetroBits – Browsing The Internet On A Commodore 64 with The Old Net BBS

In this edition of RetroBits they demonstrate using CCGMS to connect to the C64 BBS "The Old Net". From their the demonstrate a sort...

Bo Zimmerman Releases geoTelnet v1.3

Bo Zimmerman has released the latest update to his GEO's Telnet client. GeoTelnet geoTelnet is an ANSI terminal program for connecting to telnet servers. It is...
Randy Suess

Randy Suess, Inventor Of The Computer Bulletin Board aka BBS, Passes At 74

While not a household name like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, Randy Suess holds an extremely important place in the world of personal computing....

Calling A Commodore 64 BBS Using WinVICE And CCGMS

This tutorial by TheDoctor Returns demonstrates how to use WinVICE and TCPser on a PC to use telent to reach out to a Commdore...

Dan Wood Takes Amiga 500 BBS Surfing

Popular YouTube host Dan Wood has picked up a WiModem232 for his Amiga 500 and has done a video on how to program it...

Welcome to the world of C64 WiFi BBSing

In this episode Nostalgia Nerd gets a WiFi Modem for his C64 and takes a tour of the C64 Telnet BBS scene. It’s nice...