Welcome to the world of C64 WiFi BBSing

In this episode Nostalgia Nerd gets a WiFi Modem for his C64 and takes a tour of the C64 Telnet BBS scene. It’s nice...
CMD HD-40 Hard Drive

The CMD Hard Drive And COLOR 64 BBS

The CMD hard drive and COLOR 64 are a winning Combo! Your system will run smoothly and efficiently if you take the time to...

Calling A Commodore 64 BBS Using WinVICE And CCGMS

This tutorial by TheDoctor Returns demonstrates how to use WinVICE and TCPser on a PC to use telent to reach out to a Commdore...

Bo Zimmerman Releases geoTelnet v1.3

Bo Zimmerman has released the latest update to his GEO's Telnet client. GeoTelnet geoTelnet is an ANSI terminal program for connecting to telnet servers. It is...

RetroBits – Browsing The Internet On A Commodore 64 with The Old Net BBS

In this edition of RetroBits they demonstrate using CCGMS to connect to the C64 BBS "The Old Net". From their the demonstrate a sort...

American Users Discover Snobsoft BBS – A 40-Year-Old System Still Thriving

The Snobsoft BBS has recently seen a surge of interest from American users, bringing fresh engagement to this classic 1985 bulletin board system. A...

Explore Classic 1988 BBS’n With Floppy Deep Dive

In this episode Floppy Deep Dive boots up his Commodore 64 BBS from 1988, The Temple of Syrinx, and gives everyone a glimpse into...

Connecting a C64 to a BBS at 300 Baud – A Surprise from Canada

The latest video on the Quipzz YouTube channel takes a look at a Commodore 64 user group from four decades ago, complete with an...