LumaFix 128 - 5

LumaFix 128 Is In Production

The Shareware Plus Blog has just announced that a new version of e5frog's LumaFix mods for the Commodore 128 called the LumaFix 128. As you...
Shareware Plus Cableless SD2IEC

Shareware Plus Announces Cableless SD2IEC

The creative folks over at the Shareware Plus Blog have just announced a new Cableless SD2IEC reader for the Commodore. Available from stock, £39.95 plus...

Mr. Mouse – FM-YAM With SFX Sound Expander – OPL1+OPL2 together

Here Mr. Mouse demonstrates what will happen if you boldly stick the FM-YAM in the Expansion port of the SFX Sound Expander that is...
Oasis BBS LTK 2.0

The Oasis BBS 2.0 Has Launched!

Hello again and thanks for your patience while we set the BBS back up on the original Lt Kernal hard drive system that we...
TheC64 Mini

THEC64 Mini Firmware 1.0.8 Released

According to the latest email from THEC64 Mini campaign newsletter version 1.0.8 of the firmware has been released and it it includes optimizations and...
Commodore4ever Atom Replacement Power Supply

Introducing The Commodore4ever ATOM

A replacement power supply for the Commodore 64 or 128. Single output wire which also includes a very compact adapter that allows power supply...
Nu-Brick 64

Nu-Brick 64 Power Supplies

Kevin Ottum the creator of the Nu-Brick 64 Power Supply has reported that a new batch is available. The price is $60 plus $15.65...

THEC64 Mini, A Half Baked Breadbox

“Is you is or is you ain’t” a miniature Commodore 64. The answer is no. You are an emulator. Oh you’re fancy. All dressed up to...