Scene World Magazine Interviews Andreas Magerl of Amiga Future
While at Gamescom 2018 Scene World Magazine has an interview with Andreas Magerl of Amiga Future and they discuss their 20th Anniversary.
Shareware Plus Announces Cableless SD2IEC
The creative folks over at the Shareware Plus Blog have just announced a new Cableless SD2IEC reader for the Commodore.
Available from stock, £39.95 plus...
2018 Reset C64 Craptastic 4KB Game Competition Results
The results of the 2018 Reset C64 Craptastic 4KB Game Competition have been announced. The contest was originally launched in Feb 2018 with submissions...
“Left for dead” Commodore 64C made beautiful again!
This is part 2 of Adrian Blacks "Commodore 64 left outside for over a decade" video. Adrian takes a neglected and abandoned Commodore 64...
Commodore Amiga OS 3.1.4 on a Amiga 1200
Bill from The Guru Meditation Youtube channel installs the brand new Hyperion Entertainment AmigaOS 3.1.4 on his Amiga 1200. This is not a review or demo of...
Sidblaster-USB TicTac Rev. 1.2 released
The Sidblaster-USB TicTac Rev. 1.2 is available.
All Files are updated at GitHub.
SIDBlaster-USB TicTac Edition at GitHub
New experimental jumper...
TheC64 Mini USB Loader Firmware Is Out
Today Retro Games Limited released Firmware 1.1.2 for TheC64 Mini. This new firmware finally fixes the USB storage support introduced in firmware 1.1.0 to TheC64...
Play Your Favorite C64 Games Online Via The Internet Archive
So you're looking to play Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders on your trusty old Commodore 64 but the only copy you can find is...