Ultimate-64 Firmware 1.21 Released
Latest firmware for the U64 version 1.21 - Dated: 2019-06-23
Click here to download
Differences with previous release V1.20
Based on the Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.5a
FREEZE64 #28 Now Shipping
Here’s what’s in FREEZE64 issue 28:
As well as checking out the fab arcade conversion of Mikie from Imagine Software,...
Minit Is Being Ported To The C64 as Minit64
Devolver Digital has announced, via Commodore Format Magazine, that it's popular 2018 RPG game Minit (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) is going to be...
Eric Hill Discusses The A1000 Development System and Modern C64’s
This is a video recorded by Robert Bernado during the PaCommEx 2019 on June 8th at the Living Computers: Museum + Labs in Seattle,...
Build Your Own Amiga 500 Memory Expansion Card
In this video the folks over at Ovesen.net build a Amiga 500 Memory Expansion Card from a kit they picked up from eBay. They report...
VCF West: Call For Exhibitors and Speakers & Online Ticketing Is Available
The Vintage Computer Festival West 2019 is just a couple of months away. The event is August 3-4 at the Computer History Museum in...
Z64K Emulator Updated To Build 20190615.0940
Z64K developer William McCabe has been hard at working updating Z64K. With a new release of version 1.2.3 the following updates have been...
A Beginners Guide to the Amiga Workbench
The latest episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast (10MARC) is dedicated is bringing us Part 1 of the A Beginners Guide to...