MEGA65 Handheld Prototype Playing Music
Paul Gardner-Stephen has posted a new update on his MEGA65 side project the MEGA65 phone/handheld. In this update he demonstrates the new internal speaker...
MEGAphone Laser Cutting and Screen Test
Paul Gardner-Stephen is back with another MEGAphone update on the MEGA65 blog. The first update shows a demonstration of the screen testing for the...
C256 Foenix Project May Update
Per the C256 Foenix Project May 2019 Newsletter. This is a long one and I didn't see the info posted on Stefanie's site so...
C256 Foenix – Mouse Pointer Demo
Stefanie continues to plug away at the C265 Foenix. In this short new video she shows a quick demo of the Mouse Pointer working...
Early Development of the C256 Foenix Command Parser
Stafanie has just posted the following about the Command Parser development with the C256.
Hey everyone,
Here is a small link to a video where I...
MEGAphone Prototype Assembly
Paul Gardner-Stephen, head developer of the MEGA65 also has a side project called the MEGAphone. This project, announced in Dec of 2018, has started...
C256 Foenix Project – Updated Version of the Enclosure & Early Adopters
Stefany over at the C256 Foenix Project has posted picture of the latest design of the C256 Foenix Enclosure. It's a bit of a...
MEGA65 Speeding Up Formatting & Freezing With Multi-sector SD Card Writes
Paul Gardner-Stephen is back with another MEGA65 update. In his latest blog entry he's been working on speeding up the formatting and freezing process's...