Retrogaming Times #17 - November 2018

Retrogaming Times Nov 2018 Released

The latest issue of the bi-monthly Retrogaming Times has been released. This issue's cover story is a in depth article on RESET64's 'Craptastic' 4K Coding...

DIY Commodore 64 Power Supply

YouTuber William Chrapcynski has made a video on how to build you own DIY C64 replacement power supply. This is a well thought out build...
Pi1541 Logo

Pi1541 Update 1.17

What's New in v1.17 USB drive support. FB (CBMFileBrowser) can now be used to switch and browse the SD card as well as USB drives. When you...
Desert-Fox Top 10 Hero Graphic

Desert-Fox’s All Time Top Ten C64 Games List

Havok and I were talking recently about our favorite games on the Commodore 64. We decided to publish our individual all time Top 10...

The Amiga is Reborn via the Vampire V4 Standalone

If you use an Amiga computer then there's little doubt that you haven't heard of an Amiga accelerator card. They're quite popular and there...

Daniel Renner Returns with an Update on the FPGASID

Daniel Renner has updated his FPGASID video with a another episode this time covering the filters and configuring the device with Configuru and the myriad...
TheC64Mini Zone Homepage

Edit your C64 Mini with the CJM Configuration Tool

Looking for an easy way to train your C64 Mini to use your original C64 software? Look no further than They off an...
C265 Desktop

C256 Foenix October Update

Stefany has posted her latest update on the C256 Foenix Project. Through Hell or High Water In October, the project has been testing my determination. I...