BMC64 v3.5 Update Available
Randy Rossi’s latest update to the BMC64 project is v3.5. The new update includes the following:
Allow same joystick GPIO mapping on multiple pins...
Hi65 Emulator Updated to v6.1 **UPDATED**
Since there were no notes about this release I reached out to Devil Master about this update and he reported the following:
Nothing in the...
Hi65 v7 Has Been Released
Hi65 The High-Level C65 Emulator version 7 has just been released. Here's what's new in version 7.
Changed the types of the program counter,...
Kernal64 Updated to v1.5.2
The latest edition of Kernal64, version 1.5.2, has been released.
What's new in 1.5.2 (May 30th 2019)
CIA major bug fixed that prevented ComaLand to...
VirtualC64 5.1 Has Improved REU Support and Modern Features for C64 Emulation
The release of VirtualC64 5.1 brings exciting enhancements to the already robust Commodore 64 emulator for macOS. This latest update significantly improves REU (RAM...
Cem TEZCAN – Portable Commodore 64 Design With BMC64 Emulator
Youtuber Cem TEZCAN has built a physical Commodore 64 emulator with a Raspberry Pi Zero, some additional parts, a 3D printed case of his...
Z64K Emulator Updated To Build 20190615.0940
Z64K developer William McCabe has been hard at working updating Z64K. With a new release of version 1.2.3 the following updates have been...
Z64K Emulator Has A New Build
Z64K developer William McCabe has been hard at working updating Z64K.
This is an updated release of v1.2.4 -
The following changes have been made: